what a beautiful day it is today...so mild...seems to be in the mid 40s....another day with some time to run these dogs at the beach. they had a great walk early this morning with my husband....in the woods. that's a great walk, but awhile back, we realized that fitzy couldn't handle the walk off leash! she once ran off in the woods and we had to pick her up by car...i got a phone call, from the vet, who was called by the dolan's, who read fitzy's tag while she was helping herself to a big can of garbage......th dolan's were so nice...they said they called our vet because they didn't want us to get a ticket from the dog warden! how nice could they be...we went to pick up fitzy, only to find fitzy, cozy in the house, with the dolan's....getting treats while she waited for limo to arrive.
anyway, since the first event with the dolan's, there have been many more....it seems that fitzy gets out in the woods, gets that look in her eyes and......rin tin tin!.....she's off to the dolan's! they love seeing her and welcome her with open arms...the only problem is that fitzy has lost all sense of loyalty once she realizes she's got an opportunity that should not be overlooked.
so, it's off to the beach in the early afternoon! sun shining and so mild that i had to take off a layer. the dogs were delighted to be there.....when we pulled up to our beach, we saw a car that was familiar....the dogs recognized the older woman before i did! her name, faith....she doesn't know my name....but, she does know daisy and fitzy...we have talked many times....she is 85 and loves to take a ride to madison a few times a week...i love her style...she wears "love that pink" lipstick, by revlon....i noticed right away because my mother always wore that color...she is always all dolled up with lotsa pink blush and lips and always sports a hat!....she always has a little story about years ago when she visited madison in the summers of her youth....she will be here on new years eve to enjoy lobster rolls, a "cocktail" with her friend and be home before dark...to settle in for a quiet new years eve.....we meet the nicest people with our friendly dogs!
the dogs ran and ran today...taking time to sniff in the reeds, splash in the water and grab a few clam shells to chomp on....life is good.
we also came upon a woman with her 2 white dogs (spimonis?)....with names from an opera...they all see each other like old friends...our timing, lately, has mad for quite the doggy foursome! a few treats for all and a polite hello between owners and we are off, down the beach, to our own desstinations.....always so pleasant...and always so happy to see another friendly dog walker. it does make a difference....when the people are relaxed and friendly, so are the dogs...when we come upon someone, out with their dog, and they tense up, the dogs all get crazy...they yell...the dogs bark...talk about smelling fear! it is always a pleasure to see friendly dog people!
what a beautiful day we had...treasuring the moments in the sun....maybe the calm before the storm! back to the car we go...."let's go!" i say to the dogs...."jump!"...they're in the car and off we go.....back to real life!